PI & PhD Workshop 2023 in Berlin

2023/09: The PIs and PhD students of the SPP 2331 met for a two-day workshop at TU Berlin. The project teams presented research updates such as new publications, ongoing work, and current challenges. Furthermore, the workshop included an external research talk and a tour through the technical center at TU Berlin. We also discussed collaborations and the next steps within the SPP.
PhD Workshop 2023 in Berlin

2023/03: The PhD students and scientific staff from the SPP 2331 research projects met again for a workshop – this time at TU Berlin. Participants presented project updates and exchanged research ideas. In addition, a workshop on research data management was held by the university library teams of RWTH Aachen and TU Berlin.
PI & PhD Workshop 2022 in Aachen

2022/10: The PIs and PhD students of the SPP 2331 participated in a two-day workshop in Aachen. During the workshop updates on the individual research project were presented. We further discussed research ideas and collaborations as well as future research directions within the SPP.
PhD Workshop 2022 in Aachen

2022/06: The PhD students working on the research projects within the SPP 2331 were meeting in Aachen for a two-day workshop. The workshop included an introduction and project overview presentation by each project team, scientific talks by highly recognized external researchers, a tour through the biorefinery in the Aachener Verfahrenstechnik building (NGP2), and group works aiming to identify overlaps between the research projects and foster future collaborations. The workshop was further accompanied by team building events. We were very happy to meet in person with active discussions, knowledge exchange, and a lot of fun.
Congratulations to Prof. Martin Grohe

2022/04: Prof. Martin Grohe, head of the Chair of Computer Science 7 (Logic and Theory of Discrete Systems) and project PI of one of the SPP 2331 projects, was awarded with the ERC (European Research Council) Advanced Grant where he gets up to 2.5 million euros for his research. Martin Grohe’s research interests include algorithms and complexity, logic, database theory, graph theory, and machine learning. The goal of his ERC project is to develop an overarching theory of graph similarity and to demonstrate its applicability to practical problems. Please read more here
Introduction & Welcome Meeting 2022

Pictures from virtual SPP 2331: Introduction & Welcome Meeting 2022.
2022/01: In the first (virtual) meeting of the SPP 2331, the PIs and scientific staff working on the research projects were welcomed. Each research team introduced their project with associated goals and challenges. In addition, collaborations and future directions within the SPP 2331 were discussed. The next meeting will be held at the end of May 2022, where the scientific staff will participate in a workshop in Aachen.